Work Experience
Biomedical Engineering Inten
CytoCybernetics• January 2019 - Present
- Developing cross platform GUI programs using GTK (C++, Python) - Translated Matlab data processing scripts into Python and C - Incorporated Model-View-Controller design to existing apps (C++)
Software Engineer
Calspan• May 2019 - Present
- Creating desktop application to keep track of tires within the facility (Javascript) - Hosted a web application on a server using Nginx and uWSGI - Ported internal company application into a web application (Python, Javascript) - Implemented a RESTful API for a web application backend (Python) - Developed GUIs using React for a web application frontend (Javascript)
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Systems Programming)
University at Buffalo• January 2019 - Present
- Grade student examinations on systems programming concepts - Teach 2-hour C programming labs to students - Hold office hours to teach systems programming principles
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Advisor: Dr. Wenyao Xu)
University at Buffalo• May 2017 - May 2018
- Development of an Android application to detect heart beats using accelerometers - Development of an embedded device to detect progression of myopia using OpenCV
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo
Computer Engineering, BS• August 2017 - Present
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University Honors College Cumulative GPA: 3.99 / 4.0 Credit Hours: 150
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