Work Experience
Full Stack Intern
Kodnest Techgnology•  June 2024 - December 2024•  Bangalore
Engineered comprehensive full-stack applications utilizing Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, and JavaScript. Developed responsive user interfaces and integrated backend APIs to enhance functionality. Enhanced proficiency in CRUD operations, SQL query optimization, and version control with Git. Conducted API testing using Postman and collaborated on various projects, demonstrating adaptability to new technologies.
Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar
Information Technology, B.Tech•  August 2020 - Present•  CGPA: 7.61
Gyan Ganga Higher Secondary School, Satna
Mathematics, XII (MP Board)•  July 2019 - May 2020•  Percentage: 91.8
School topper
Gyan Ganga Higher Secondary School, Satna
General, X (MP Board)•  July 2017 - May 2018•  Percentage: 94.2
score 100/100 in Mathematics.