Adrian Santos

United States


Software Engineer at Availity


Problem Solving
Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Availity•  November 2018 - Present

    • Served as a tech lead on reducing technical debts by rewriting apps using NodeJS as an API and ReactJS as a UI that use a microservice architecture from an app written in Java and AngularJS that used a monolithic architecture • Rewrote a legacy application that speeds up how medical office members check patients’ insurance eligibility and benefits using AWS, React, GraphQL, Tailwind • Rewrote a legacy application which increased multiple health plans gather healthcare information for their clients using Java, NodeJS, React • Decreased application bugs by 95% by adding behavioral test cases using Cucumber JS • Increased client side UI speed by 20% by refactoring React Components in existing applications • Decreased developer onboarding time by 1.5 months by creating documentations for onboarding teammates

  • IT Director

    Brazils Waxing Center•  March 2018 - November 2018

    ● Increased internal staff productivity by creating an application using MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, NodeJS stack leveraging AWS services for internal room communications ● Increased business stakeholder customer analysis by creating a BI stack using PowerBI and automated CSV exports

  • Teaching Assistant

    University of North Florida•  August 2017 - April 2018

    • Courses: Internet Programming • Served as the Head TA. Taught students to build web apps using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL


  • University of North Florida

    Computer Science, BS•  January 2016 - April 2018

    • B.S. in Computer Science, April 2018. In-major GPA: 3.35. • Undergraduate Coursework: Software Engineering; Mobile App Development; Databases; Data Structures; Programming Languages; Calculus III.


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