Aditya Kamble

United States


Software Engineer Intern at Glassdoor


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    C2CIT Pvt. Ltd.•  January 2019 - June 2019

    Developed financial auditing procedures as per required business logic in Python to automate manual auditing process Designed and Developed Excel and Custom file parsers using Python to parse multiple types of Financial Reports which led to auditors by more than 90% Optimized Data Import pipelines in python and pandas which reduced time taken by around 80% Wrote deployment script to automate deployments required for AWS Python-Lambda

  • Software Engineer

    Xoriant Solutions Pvt. Ltd•  October 2016 - December 2018

    Integrated Caffe Library in android application using Native C++ with Java and Kotlin using JNI. Built using Gradle and CMake for Java and C++ integration Developed compression tool using FlatBuffer & ProtoBuffer to reduce size of ML model by 90% Worked with resnet18 for layer by layer prediction, GoogleNet for direct image prediction. Built Android part of application from ground up. Worked on RESTful API using Retrofit and OkHttp to perform well managed API consumption. Worked with 3rd party libraries like RxJava to perform asynchronous tasks like Bluetooth device discovery and connection Optimized BLE operations using filters which reduced device search time by 85%. Architected reactive approach for real time experience in XorChat application using ViewModel and SQLite and Dagger 2 for dependency injection. Building structured data from raw data like CSV using Java 1.7 and use it to predict age and gender by passing it to prebuilt PMML Model Developed Linux batch Scripts for scanning and maintaining directory structure for input data. Used Netflix Zuul gateway service for dynamic routing for accessing multiple microservices API using single endpoints


  • University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte

    Computer Science, MS•  August 2019 - Present

  • University of Pune

    Computer Science & Engineering, BE•  July 2012 - May 2016


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