Work Experience
Software Engineer
Wipro Technologies•  July 2019 - Present
Working as a full-time Web Developer at Wipro
Software Engineer
WT Solutions•  January 2019 - May 2019
Developed a web portal for employee management and also a website for the organization’s client. The internship helped me to improve my web development skills and also enhanced my professional skills.
Software Engineer
D.R.D.O Dehradun•  June 2018 - July 2018
Created a digital image processing application using openCV libraries and java. The front end was created using Java Swing and openCV libraries were used to manipulate the images. We also implemented a library called openImaj to get input from the webcam and face detection.
DIT, Dehradun (Dehradun Institute of Technology)
Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  2015 - 2019
Carman Residential and Day School
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