Adam Agilino



Software product engineering faster, affordable with higher quality.


Problem Solving


adam557 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Evatec AG•  May 2023 - Present

    Collecting requirements, defining backlog and planing is the necessity of every IT product. I combine relevant skills in Requirement Engineering and Software development to support Evatec in their data engineering processes. Since Mai 2023 I enable the company with data for the semiconductor, optoelectronics and advanced packaging industry. I stay sharp and focused on requirements and software developments. From the Tech stack side I have the chance to dive deep into the latest C# and .NET framework.

  • Lead Developer

    NU Technology AG•  October 2022 - March 2023

    Releasing new features in a automated and well established process is the task of every DevOps team. At nu. I was leading the infrastructure team to provide scalable SaaS. To be able to release or rollback changes quickly while validating the product on the market is essential. I introduced and supported the devOps team to maintain and improve our CI/CD pipelines with Ansible, Github Actions and Docker. In my senior daily job I was coordinating and planing tasks with Product Owners and our CTO, but also developing and pair-programming and to achieve a robust cloud infrastructure for our platform. My skills include being aware and compassionate about our team challenges for scalability, robustness, fault tolerance, performance and anything we could script to provide more business value for the product. Apart from focusing on business value and ease of use, some technologies and programming languages I touched on a daily business were: ansible, bash, docker, ELK, github workflows, kubernetes and prometheus. And also support the team on java Spring, Go lang and React programming. My team consisted of experienced software developers, so we also supported the other teams mostly with PR reviews to implementing awesome services with Next.js and Spring Boot. As with startups I also got my hands dirty quite often with software development

  • Senior Software Engineer

    CLEO AG•  August 2021 - September 2022

    At Cleo, I had the opportunity to work as a software developer for a public sector client in Germany. For services in the public sector, having an established development process is crucial. The team, consisting of members from Germany and Switzerland, was responsible for the development, deployment, incident management, and maintenance of this application. In my daily business, I worked with Java Spring services and Kubernetes configuration and was responsible for regularly deploying and maintaining our application. Starting from October 2021, in my additional role as a Backend Tech Lead, I contributed to the creation of the platform. Initial concepts of our future education platform began to take shape. This was my first encounter with both Go Lang and GraphQL, and I believe we became good friends :). The creative and challenging part of the job was to provide a Spring Boot REST API without an exact use case. There was a lot of prototyping and pivoting involved. Many times, in the backend team, we had to envision user interactions and develop robust and flexible solutions. While maintaining a solid foundation in backend and API development, I was also inspired by the exciting new developments in the frontend, where different philosophies and concepts about what makes a great web service were merging into a clearer and better concept. As I led the backend team and expanded the product and team size, an additional task was to provide and manage the increasingly complex cloud infrastructure. Without Ansible, we probably wouldn't have been able to deploy our product to the customer as quickly and efficiently as we did. As weekends and night shifts grew longer, it became evident that it was time to form a new DevOps team. Since October 2022, I have been working in my new role with that team.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Ametiq•  April 2020 - July 2021

    A sophisticated online service for medical practices can be implemented by a small team of experienced developers. I had the opportunity to demonstrate this as a Senior Software Developer with a handful of colleagues for amétiq Cloud products. In addition to developing Java Spring Boot services and API integration, it was also our responsibility to maintain the online platform for hundreds of medical practices. In one big use case, we enabled patients in Switzerland to book appointments online. We worked together with external service providers and our in-house infrastructure team to sync data and support complex workflows. The technology our team and me touched on a daily basis was Spring Boot, RestAssured, JGvien, Jooq and bash, docker and Jenkins for deployments. We planned and worked within the team using Scrum to improve the product step by step, collect user feedback and integrate in future product increments. After 2016 this was my second job in the health care industry and I am really proud to have contributed to better services for the patients.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Axon Ivy AG•  August 2017 - March 2020

    The first time I worked in a project with more than 100 developers. The first 3 months I spend learning a new business process tool called Axon Ivy Designer and try and understand more than 100k lines of code of our Fintech projects. I spent the first few months most of the time with understanding and talking with the deployment teams and the architecture team members in Vietnam. We also launched early on a program to teach developers about SOLID patterns and how they could apply them in the current projects to write better and cleaner code. I supported the teams on their journey from multiple projects into two single products. After 6 months later other Developers and Architects joined me to work as the architecture team together with more than 14 offsite teams to support them deliver a great product. Most of our duties were code reviews. Many code reviews. As the teams got more experienced we reduced our mentoring activity and focused on created POCs to highlight some best practices for new interfaces and used JMH and visualVM to measure and improve performance.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    RobArt•  March 2016 - August 2017

    I love the time I spent at robart. Every time I join a company I take robart as a benchmark. No other company I was before and joined later created such a great place to work as them. A great role plays their CEO Harold Artes, who is truly an amazing leader. While I was working on Spring services that ensured the connectivity between our cleaning robots and the internet, Harold created a sense of common goal and trust and asked regularly other developers and me if there are any impediments he can help to remove, so we can excel in what we do. I was working mostly with Java Spring creating REST APIs and building frontend interfaces with JHipster. I also took care of all the AWS cloud deployment using Ansible. The Java Spring team grew together with other departments. During the time at robart our spring products moved from an outsourced solution to a team of 3 developers. Thank to Ansible and AWS we had completely new cloud services around the world within minutes.

  • Software Engineer

    Limetec Biotechnologies•  August 2013 - March 2016

    My first full-time role as a software developer. I wrote Python backend code implementing communication protocols in healthcare services. In Germany this was HL7 v2.5 and the LDT and ADT standards in german healthcare. It was a pleasure to implement the communication interface that was certified by the Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung (KBV). Apart from coding mostly Python backend applications, one highlight was also taking part in the LDT 3.0 work group to create the new standard for the laboratory protocol.


  • Freie Universität Berlin

    Computer Science, MS•  March 2014 - May 2022

    After graduating with Bachelor in Computer Science in 2013, studying and keeping my knowledge up to date was more of a hobby. While working full-time having time to study proved to be a challenge and it took 8 years to complete mostly in my free time.


adam557 has not updated skills details yet.