Work Experience
Software Engineer
Mathworks•  February 2019 - Present
Developer C++ (Static Analysis tools) Better tools with smoother workflows: my current objective as a software developer at Mathworks. Here, I am involved with the polyspace back-end flow team where my responsibilities include: defining the functional and non-functional requirements, implementing the architecture, developing (test-driven development) and technical writing. I had the occasion to work on projects like developing an Expert system(Knowledge-based systems) from scratch. Improving upon an existing parsing algorithm (7x faster) using a finite state machine, implemented using boost spirit. I have also worked to improve the output of the products by developing a library, which allow to generate different formats like : SARIFS, streamable json. I am currently working on a configuration tool, allowing the end-users project to easily integrate into static analysis tools.
Software Developer
ITN•  2016
Polytech Nantes
Computer Science, ME•  2013 - 2015
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