Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
ValueLabs•  August 2022 - Present•  Hyderabad
Spearheaded the development of comprehensive streamlined survey application, using ReactJS for the front-end and NodeJS with JWT. Utilized PostgreSQL database for efficient data management and overseeing the entire architectural design process throughout the development. Played a pivotal role in the development of an application form-builder which generates the complete UI by just giving keywords and also which was responsible for optimizing the UI response time by 35%. Conducted data analytics and facilitated reports to demonstrate the users and leads created for the CR. Played a key role in designing table structures and crafting API request and response mechanisms to track invalid attempts by users. Successfully migrated to ReactJS from AngularJS and incorporated monitoring tools like Datadog to address production issues and allow the traffic using ABTool. Made substantial contributions to improve the overall user experience and functionality of the application, utilizing expertise in user interface enhancement. Optimized Node service calls to handle peak request times and reduced response time by 40%. Responsibilities included developing APIs, writing efficient stored procedures, creating dynamic data-tables in the front-end. Utilized a robust tech stack including TypeScript, NodeJS, ReactJS for efficient data management and a seamless responsive user experience. Worked on fixing multiple bugs raised by the Client and Created a user-friendly table equipped with analytics. Actively engaged in release activities and took full accountability for new feature/application releases throughout their entire life cycle, ensuring successful deployment to production.
Systems Engineer
TCS•  September 2019 - August 2022•  Hyderabad
Developed MERN Stack web applications for American Express, utilizing NodeJS and ExpressJS for the backend, and ReactJS for the frontend and MongoDB for the database. Developed ReactJS applications from scratch, incorporating Redux for state management. Contributed to design discussions and resolved architectural challenges to enhance project efficiency. Implemented backend middleware for authentication using jsonwebtokens and bcryptjs for data/password hashing and managed data and form validation on the frontend using Formik and Yup libraries. Contributed to enhancing the functionality and performance of the micro-service, enabling seamless data processing and storage within the system.
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Electrical and Electronics Engineering•  June 2015 - June 2019•  CGPA: 8.64