Work Experience
Machine Learning Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services• June 2017 - Present
Machine Learning Engineer with 2+ years of Industry experience in NLP domain. Hands on Experience with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Frameworks like Sklearn, Keras, Pytorch and Pyspark. Experience with handling Text,Image and Time Series data. Working on Natural Language Processing domain.Built several ticket and article classifier and similarity model using various NLP,ML and DL technologies. Responsibilities include: Developing data import and Pre-processing Pipeline. Exploratory Data Analysis for getting insight from the data using Pandas,Matplotlib and Seaborn. Text Vectorization,.Analysing and tuning different ML ,DL models. Python Flask service creation for several Line of business. Technologies Used: Python, PyMongo, Pandas, MongoDB, scikit-learn,Keras,NLTK,Glove,Flask,Fasttext etc.
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