Work Experience
Software Engineer
NX3 INGENIERIA S.A.•  January 2014 - Present
 Development for Imperial S.A.: Migration project from systems in VB6.0 to JavaFx, senior software developer and technical director for coordinating 3 small providers companies. I proposed a way to migrate the programs and with it the company has been save time and money. I developed 80 programs with diverse functionality as printing, scan, pdf files generated, web services calls, store procedure calls, etc.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to connect an application in VB6.0 to a Rest Service from the SII (National Tax Service) for asking the ranges numbers for different billings documents.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to implement a new website for the clients. Now they can pay different billings documents with total and partial payments.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to connect applications from Imperial to Oracle Cloud for transferring information between both sides for an online sales implementation. I developed a group of rest services in WCF (.Net) to receive requests and then they send information from MS-SQL database to Oracle Cloud with calls to web services (SOAP) using security OAuth 2.0. The sales online system is working.  Development for Consorcio: They wanted to implement a new website for Insurance systems. I developed Soap and Rest services (Java) implementing servlets group to provide information from the databases (MS-SQL, Oracle), with different formats. Consorcio improved the website look and the systems information flow.  Development for Imperial S.A.: BCI Bank payments system had to be modified. I changed the payments system, from web services calls to PGP encrypted files for transferring them to the Bank by SFTP. This new process is safer.  Imperial needed to implement a new payment system to connect to Santander Bank. I developed programs that generated files to be transferred to the bank by SFTP. Imperial can operate with two different banks for the payments.  Development for Multicaja S.A.: Multicaja had a system, Gestor System, with web pages in PHP with Oracle database, and they needed to save costs in Oracle licenses. I did the migration the Gestor System to web pages in Java (Primefaces) with PostgreSQL database. Now Multicaja has a system with an improved look and it saves costs in Oracle licenses.  Development for Imperial S.A.: Imperial wanted to implement a new way for payments for providers, Vale Vista. I modified the existing financial and accountability system programs and programed new ones. Currently, the payments to providers can be performed in three ways, by bank transferring, check and Vale Vista.
Software Engineer
OBCOM INGENIERIA S.A.•  May 2007 - December 2013
 Imperial needed to provide certain independence to management users for accessing to company information. I programmed store procedures with input parameters and transformed them in SQL Reporting Services. The users can consult different information every time they need it.  Imperial wanted to implement payments to providers by bank transferences. I implemented programs to send and receive data from BCI Bank using web services calls. The financial manager stopped signing checks.  Imperial needed to have online connection with a retail company, Falabella, so clients can use the Falabella credit card in their hardware stores. I developed programs with Verifone Pin pad connections and host to host transactions. Imperial increased their sales.  Imperial needed to have an online connection for queries to Equifax when the clients paid with checks. I implemented the queries program using web services calls. Imperial gained more security in their sales with check payments.
Software Engineer
Computación y Comunicaciones S.A.•  December 2004 - April 2007
 C & C had a Cash System that needed to get payments with different credits cards from banks and retailers. I programmed OCXs for implementing the payments transactions with the different credit cards. The Cash System is working in many places in Chile.  C & C had a DTE System (Electronic Tributary Document) that needed to be modified and improved. I reprogrammed all functionalities and I improved the system look. DTE System has been sold to many companies in Chile.
Universidad Austral de Chile
Computer Science & Engineering, MS•  1988 - 1994
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