Nayade Munoz



Software engineer


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    NX3 INGENIERIA S.A.•  January 2014 - Present

     Development for Imperial S.A.: Migration project from systems in VB6.0 to JavaFx, senior software developer and technical director for coordinating 3 small providers companies. I proposed a way to migrate the programs and with it the company has been save time and money. I developed 80 programs with diverse functionality as printing, scan, pdf files generated, web services calls, store procedure calls, etc.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to connect an application in VB6.0 to a Rest Service from the SII (National Tax Service) for asking the ranges numbers for different billings documents.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to implement a new website for the clients. Now they can pay different billings documents with total and partial payments.  Development for Imperial S.A.: They wanted to connect applications from Imperial to Oracle Cloud for transferring information between both sides for an online sales implementation. I developed a group of rest services in WCF (.Net) to receive requests and then they send information from MS-SQL database to Oracle Cloud with calls to web services (SOAP) using security OAuth 2.0. The sales online system is working.  Development for Consorcio: They wanted to implement a new website for Insurance systems. I developed Soap and Rest services (Java) implementing servlets group to provide information from the databases (MS-SQL, Oracle), with different formats. Consorcio improved the website look and the systems information flow.  Development for Imperial S.A.: BCI Bank payments system had to be modified. I changed the payments system, from web services calls to PGP encrypted files for transferring them to the Bank by SFTP. This new process is safer.  Imperial needed to implement a new payment system to connect to Santander Bank. I developed programs that generated files to be transferred to the bank by SFTP. Imperial can operate with two different banks for the payments.  Development for Multicaja S.A.: Multicaja had a system, Gestor System, with web pages in PHP with Oracle database, and they needed to save costs in Oracle licenses. I did the migration the Gestor System to web pages in Java (Primefaces) with PostgreSQL database. Now Multicaja has a system with an improved look and it saves costs in Oracle licenses.  Development for Imperial S.A.: Imperial wanted to implement a new way for payments for providers, Vale Vista. I modified the existing financial and accountability system programs and programed new ones. Currently, the payments to providers can be performed in three ways, by bank transferring, check and Vale Vista.

  • Software Engineer

    OBCOM INGENIERIA S.A.•  May 2007 - December 2013

     Imperial needed to provide certain independence to management users for accessing to company information. I programmed store procedures with input parameters and transformed them in SQL Reporting Services. The users can consult different information every time they need it.  Imperial wanted to implement payments to providers by bank transferences. I implemented programs to send and receive data from BCI Bank using web services calls. The financial manager stopped signing checks.  Imperial needed to have online connection with a retail company, Falabella, so clients can use the Falabella credit card in their hardware stores. I developed programs with Verifone Pin pad connections and host to host transactions. Imperial increased their sales.  Imperial needed to have an online connection for queries to Equifax when the clients paid with checks. I implemented the queries program using web services calls. Imperial gained more security in their sales with check payments.

  • Software Engineer

    Computación y Comunicaciones S.A.•  December 2004 - April 2007

     C & C had a Cash System that needed to get payments with different credits cards from banks and retailers. I programmed OCXs for implementing the payments transactions with the different credit cards. The Cash System is working in many places in Chile.  C & C had a DTE System (Electronic Tributary Document) that needed to be modified and improved. I reprogrammed all functionalities and I improved the system look. DTE System has been sold to many companies in Chile.


  • Universidad Austral de Chile

    Computer Science & Engineering, MS•  1988 - 1994


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