ManuelBaez has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Embedded Jr Developper
Zultronica• January 2023 - July 2023• Puebla, Puebla
Reverse engineering application to PCBs for their documentation - Programming of PIC MCUs for wireless applications using RF and BLE modules - Design of an Android mobile application - Performing quality tests on products and error reporting - Development of new code functionalities - Feasibility study of the implementation of Git and GitHub for version control.
Mechatronic Engineer
Calderas Indunort • September 2022 - December 2022
Electronic design - Microcontroller programming.
Hardware Designer Freelance
Retroelctronik• February 2022 - May 2022
Reverse engineering retro video game cartridges, documentation of their operation, reconstruction of the PCB in KiCAD, adaptation of the design and operation using current components to replace those that are discontinued or out of circulation.
Embedded Systems Intern
Retroelectronik• May 2021 - July 2021
Design and development of PCB boards, soldering of surface and through-hole components, programming of microcontrollers in C and FPGA/CPLD in VHDL/Verilog and repair of defective boards.
Mechatronic Intern
Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla• May 2020 - August 2020
Design and realization of a LabVIEW interface for remote control and supervision of CNCs using Pic microcontrollers.
Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla
Mechatronic Engineering, Engineer's Degree• September 2022 - Present
El Ingeniero en Mecatrónica podrá desempeñarse en el sector público y privado integrado en procesos productivos industriales y de servicios preferentemente en los niveles directivos, así como continuar sus estudios de posgrado. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Mechatronics Engineer may work in the public and private sectors integrated into industrial and service production processes, preferably at managerial levels, as well as continue their postgraduate studies.
Institut Universitaire Technologique 1 de Grenoble
Licence Professionnelle Métiers de l'électronique: Communication et Systèmes Embarqués, Bachelor's degree• September 2020 - July 2021
L'objectif de cette Licence Professionnelles est de former des cadres intermédiaires intégrateurs dans le domaine des systèmes matériels, des développeurs d’applications informatiques appliquées, des assistants ingénieurs experts en logiciels et matériels des systèmes embarqués. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The objective of this Professional License is to train middle management integrators in the field of hardware systems, developers of applied computer applications, assistant engineers experts in software and hardware of embedded systems.
Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla
Técnico Superior Universitario en Mecatrónica: Área de Automatización, Technician's Degree• September 2018 - August 2020
El Técnico Superior Universitario en Mecatrónica área automatización podrá desempeñarse en el sector público y privado integrado en procesos productivos industriales de automatización y de servicios preferentemente en los niveles de mandos medios, así como continuar sus estudios de Ingeniería. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Higher University Technician in Mechatronics automation area will be able to work in the public and private sector integrated into industrial automation and service production processes, preferably at middle management levels, as well as continue their engineering studies.
Centro de Estudios Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicio #104 Aquiles Serdan Alatriste
Técnico en Mecatrónica, Technician's Degree• July 2015 - June 2018
ManuelBaez has not updated skills details yet.