Svetlana Gavrilova






LanaGV has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Chief Executive Officer

    Ultrakom LLC•  June 2017 - Present

    Real estate company. Key tasks: • strategic planning; • development of the financial policy; • budgeting; • maintaining financial and management accounting; • management of cash flow; • support of investment projects; • cost management, development and adoption of measures to reduce costs; • interaction with shareholders and investors; • management of financial services of the company. Key results: • the management reporting system was built according to the needs of the company; • tax system was optimized; • costs were rationalized by concluding agreements with suppliers / contractors on more favorable terms; • cross-functional communications were built, information exchange between departments was created; • work regulations for the accounting and legal departments were established.

  • Chief Finance Officer

    Khromatograth MC LLC•  August 2015 - June 2017

    Real estate company. Key tasks: • strategic planning; • development of the financial policy; • budgeting; • maintaining financial and management accounting; • management of cash flow; • support of investment projects; • cost management, development and adoption of measures to reduce costs; • interaction with shareholders and investors; • management of financial services of the company. Key results: • the management reporting system was built according to the needs of the company; • tax system was optimized; • costs were rationalized by concluding agreements with suppliers / contractors on more favorable terms; • cross-functional communications were built, information exchange between departments was created; • work regulations for the accounting and legal departments were established.

  • Chief Finance Officer

    High Rice Technology LLC•  February 2014 - July 2015

    Alternative energy. Key tasks: • strategic planning; • financial planning and budgeting, monitoring the implementation of budgets, financial plans (in-cluding analysis of the effectiveness of business processes, rolling business plans); • building business models, preparing business plans; • cash flow management; • analysis and evaluation of investment projects, work with government investments; • formation and provision of consolidated financial statements for the group of companies. • work with banks to attract loans. Key results: • participation in a startup (innovative technologies); • a business model has been developed, a business plan has been written and defended in front of the Chairman of the Board of Management of SberInvest Management Company and shareholders of Rice High Technologies LLC; • two audits Deloitte and KPMG successfully completed; • participation in the implementation of an automated management reporting system; • IT product was tested in terms of financial management and accounting, feedback was provided to the IT department in order to finalize the software; • regulations and work instructions for the financial unit of the company have been established.

  • Chief Finance Officer

    Khromatograth MC LLC•  June 2011 - January 2014

    Real estate company. Key tasks: • corporate strategy and planning aimed at maximizing the value of the company; • budget and management control; • financial management (cash flows, receivables and payables, ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations, etc.); • management of the financial unit of the company.

  • Financial analitic

    Zodiak Media Group•  January 2011 - May 2011

    Production of multimedia, content. Key tasks: • participation in the development of strategic business plans, budgets and operational plans of the companies included in the Group; • analysis of activities for 9 companies of the Group based on reporting and additional information from companies; • participation in the preparing of IFRS reporting, presentations for the head office and manage-ment. Key results: • the time frame of getting the financial information from Group’s companies was shortened

  • Financial analitic

    RUIZ Group of Companies LLC•  July 2009 - January 2011

    Multidisciplinary asset management. Key tasks: • preparation of financial statements of the companies included in the Group, their analysis, preparation of consolidated management reports for the Group; • interaction with banks: the formation and support of the loan portfolio of the Group companies, organization and control of the process of preparing documents for banks; • monitoring and analysis of global diamond markets, writing analytical reviews. Key results: • the time for generating and reporting was shortened by building communications with the financial services of the Group's companies; • optimized reporting form for loans and borrowings.


  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    Mathematics, MS•  September 2004 - June 2009

    Mathematical methods in economics and risk analysis. Average grade is 90.


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