G_Sajeendra has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Airbus•  November 2020 - December 2020•  London, Remote
Explored Airbus' sustainability practices and commercial aircraft initiatives. Studied Airbus Defence, Space units, and the ExoMars 2022 project.
SCS Railways•  October 2020 - October 2020•  London, Remote
- Gained insight into the HS2 joint venture by SKANSA, COSTAIN, and STRABAG. - Learned about community engagement and the impact of construction near residential areas. - Explored infrastructure, rail sectors, and advancements in design and archaeology.
Santander UK•  October 2018 - October 2018•  Preston Road, London
Focused on customer service excellence and engagement strategies. Conducted surveys assessing bank cleanliness and customer wait times.
University of Liverpool
Computer Science, BS•  September 2021 - July 2024
Final Year Project: Appointment Scheduling and Booking System The BookEase application is designed to provide a user-friendly, efficient, and secure environment for booking and managing appointments across various industries such as healthcare, education, and retail. The design incorporates modern software architecture principles using a combination of Java Spring Boot for the backend, Thymeleaf for the frontend, and SQLite for the database, ensuring robust performance and scalability. Tech stack: Backend - Java with Spring Boot and YAML config, Frontend - Thymeleaf with CSS and JavaScript, HTML, Database - SQLite, IDE - IntelliJ, Build tool - Maven, E-Mail Server - PaperCut.
UTC Heathrow
B.Tech•  September 2019 - May 2021
Course: Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Engineering Project: Traffic light signal application using Arduino.