Daniel_Brugnaro1 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Data Scientist Jr. Consultant
IBM• September 2020 - Present
Since I've been promoted and started to exercise a junior role, I learned a lot dealing with several clients, applied, and expand my technical knowledge using different technologies. My technical knowledge can be summarized in the following topics: - Data manipulation through Jupyter with Python - Data visualization in PowerBI - Data collection via ODBC in PL-SQL and T-SQL systems - Applying linear programming to operational research problems - WEB platform development using Flask - Automating Machine Learning through Hydra - Development of supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms in Python - JavaScript NLP Algorithm Programming for Index Calculation Using N-grams - Proposals for solving different types of problems using data science.
Data Scientist Intern
IBM• September 2019 - September 2020
As an intern, I followed and supported the development of several projects in the Advanced Analytics sector at IBM. During this period, I developed my fundamental knowledge by acting as an apprentice in the data science field.
SAP Continuous Integration Intern
IBM• January 2019 - August 2019
SAP application support, data workflows management, and work with files in a Linux server
FIAP - Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista
Computer Science & Engineering, BE• January 2018 - Present
Daniel_Brugnaro1 has not updated skills details yet.