CassandroMartinh has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Instituto Superior Técnico•  September 2020 - November 2021
Research of an efficient solution for the ad hoc teamwork problem in multi agent environments, using reinforcement learning. The ad hoc teamwork problem requires an agent/robot to be able to coordinate with other unknown teammates over one or multiple possible tasks. It must determine which task its teammate is working towards in order to collaborate efficiently. The developed solution utilises the Partially Observable Markov Decision Model (POMDP) model in combination with Bayesian Inference.
Software Developer
Millennium bcp•  July 2019 - September 2019
Development of a complete web crawling program with an interface able to easily change various settings of the program(Python).
Software Developer
Thales•  July 2018 - September 2018
Development of scripts and improvement of company project simulating a cities transport grid. Code written in Python and C.
Instituto Superior Técnico
Computer Science & Engineering, MS•  September 2019 - November 2021
Focus on Data Science and Machine Learning Relevant coursework: Data Science, Machine learning, Data Analysis and Integration, Natural language, Cloud Computing (AWS), Distributed Computing.
Instituto Superior Técnico
Computer Science & Engineering, BS•  September 2016 - July 2019
Relevant coursework: Databases, Probabilistic and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Management, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Operating systems.
CassandroMartinh has not updated skills details yet.