Azhari12 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Freelance Frontend Developer
Sense IT Service•  April 2024 - Present•  Remote
Developed dynamic, server-rendered applications using Next.js for optimized performance. Built responsive user interfaces with reusable React components, ensuring smooth user interactions. Integrated third-party APIs and services for real-time data synchronization. Improved performance by optimizing code and reducing page load times. Collaborated with other frontend developers to ensure code consistency and share best practices. Collaborated with backend developers to ensure seamless integration of frontend and backend systems.
Frontend Developer
FortiusHRIS (PT. Prakasa Makmur Kencana)•  August 2023 - August 2024•  Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta
Developed responsive UIs using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Built interactive web applications with frameworks like React.js. Optimized web performance, reducing page load times and enhancing user experience. Collaborated with design teams to implement user-friendly UX/UI designs. Integrated APIs for seamless frontend-backend data communication. Managed project versioning with Git and GitHub.
Software Developer Freelance
Freelance•  January 2019 - May 2022•  Pekanbaru, Riau
Worked as a freelance software developer on several projects including Library Book Procurement Decision Support System Application, Casual game learn hijahiyah, Cash Fund Bookkeeping Application, and Employee Assessment Decision Support System Application.
Web Developer Intern
Pekanbaru City Civil Hospital•  March 2018 - April 2018•  Pekanbaru, Riau
Create a simple web application for patient registration.
Computer Information Systems, Immersive Program, Front End Engineering•  March 2023 - May 2023•  Percentage: 100
Immersive Program Frontend Engineering is an intensive 3 months program designed to train future frontend engineers in the fundamentals of software development. This rigorous 60-70 hr/week program has a well-documented history of developing top notch software engineers. Course: Pair Programming, HTML/CSS, Git, Github, Gitflow, Scrum, ReactJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, REST API, React.js, Deployment, TailwindCss. Capstone Project: Building EpropApp using React.js and integration with BackEnd Students
Islamic State University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Computer Science & Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering, Informatic Engineering•  August 2015 - December 2022•  GPA: 3.55