AliKonain has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
i2c•  June 2021 - Present
Software Engineer
Artificial Intelligence and Multidisciplinary Research Lab•  July 2020 - May 2021
Lead Frontend Engineer in the development of Form Submission Workflow System, a project under the supervision of BOS, Punjab. Successfully incorporated the design styles from the official site of BOS, Punjab. Working with in-demand technologies including Angular, Python and Django. Supervising and actively designing frontend structure, as well as successfully deployed and maintaining the production site of the project.
Software Engineer•  April 2019 - May 2020
Worked as a freelancer on Fiverr for a year, building robust and gorgeous websites for clients, or just fixing some bugs that the clients faced in their application.
Punjab University College of Information Tecnology
Computer Science, BS•  September 2017 - June 2021
Undergraduate student at Punjab University College of Information Technology. BS in Information Technology with a CGPA of 3.89.
AliKonain has not updated skills details yet.