AhmedElmehalawi has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Quality Standards for Information Technology - QSIT•  August 2022 - January 2024•  Cairo, Egypt
▪︎ Participating in developing various products for different Industries using the latest web technologies ∙ [C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web APIs, MS SQL Server, EF, CQRS Design Pattern, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Kendo UI, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, RxJs, ChartJs]. ▪︎ Extending our Ticketing System functionalities and the different integrations between it and GIS, CTI and IoT Systems. ∙ [ArcGIS API for JS, ChartJs, CSS, CoffeeScript, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Spyne, WeasyPrint, Elasticsearch, Nginx, System Admin] ▪︎ Developing Content Management Systems using Umbraco CMS. ▪︎ Developing GIS Applications using ArcGIS API for JS, Experience Builder and Web AppBuilder. ▪︎ Extending Experience Builder and Web AppBuilder Widgets and customizing others using Js, React and Jimu. ▪︎ Do POCs on new technologies and tools that can fit our solutions. ▪︎ Participate in on-site visits to gather and deliver technical requirements as well as deployment process. ▪︎ Developing workflow applications and integrating them with other systems.
Software Engineer
Information technology institute (ITI)•  October 2021 - July 2022
Professional Web Development & BI (SD)
Huawei•  July 2020 - August 2020
TIEC•  January 2020 - January 2020
∙ InnovEgypt Program is a training program with respect to innovation and entrepreneurship being directed to university students in ICT specializations. ∙ We were among the top 3 teams of the program for our idea "SQULAND".
ISCC•  July 2019 - August 2019
CCNA Fundamentals Program
Zagazig University
Computer and Systmes Engineering, BE•  August 2016 - July 2021
AhmedElmehalawi has not updated skills details yet.