Anthony Delorie

United States


Personal Information
United States


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Accessibility Evangelist | Developer Experience

    Flexwind•  March 2023 - Present•  Remote

    Coached up 15 developer teams and responsible for improving Accessibility on 48 existing applications and ensuring all new applications were 100% compliant on initial launch. Leveraged existing ESLint rules and axe-core audits, but also authored custom shell scripts, containers, plugins and includes to do much more thorough auditing and summarizing of things that couldn't be automated so could quickly manually be reviewed such as qualitative screening. Got policy changed as far as Statement of Work going out as well as mandates for current contracts mandating they utilize codescans and shift left accessibility DOM audits

  • Accessibility Audit Manager (Part Time)

    Freelancer•  June 2023 - December 2023•  Remote

    Helped set up a brand-new Accessibility Audit for NGA, this was auditing vendors and internal teams, and coaching teams up, of how to halt accumulating accessibility tech debt even if don't have bandwidth or funding to fix old issues. Wrote a winning proposal and led a moonshot lab hackathon team to show NGA's dev-core team how to evaluate frameworks to promote with confidence frameworks that either ensure fully accessible or are allow the possibility for full accessibility. Managed two testers remotely, with no prior accessibility experience. Got my entire team fully certified, independently doing thorough audits and leading dev engagements to go over the various tools and methods teams can adopt to utilize code scanning and DOM scanning feedback loops, that were more robust that typicl axe-core audits or lighthouse audits.

  • Software Developer Manager | Tech Lead

    The Swift Group•  October 2022 - March 2023•  Remote

    Set up in infinite slicing reporting team for a budgeting application used by congress to see what programs need funding to support other programs they know are essential but can't know much about I would end up leading a team of generative AI after quickly recognizing I needed to permanently farm my team out to struggling teams that my team was dependent on and I built out applications in parallel helping shape the services as well optimizing the services, by tweaking protocols, optimizing SQL, and caching. Hit all milestones, and launch date.

  • Accessibility Evangelist | Developer Experience

    Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)•  June 2021 - September 2022•  Chantilly

    Responsible for improving applications accessibility scores and educating teams and empowering them to audit and improve themselves before our program audited them. Showed the limitations of spot push button audits and how to do thorough exhaustive audits frequently without slowing down pipelines, that would produce screenshots and remediation tips as opposed to just failures that they would have to try and replicate and investigate. Created a kitchen sink application that served as Developer Guide to implementing proven patterns and covered every kind of UI component, that recorded the agency's first independent perfect Accessibility audit as well as great user experience at up to 400% zoom, light, dark, or high contrast theme. Would go on to speak at a closed conference on how to deodorize applications with Axe Body spray, and using DevOps to audit and identify accessibility and usability pitfalls

  • International Tech Liaison

    TSC•  November 2019 - March 2021•  Remote

    Represented the International Information Sharing Unit to other international partners, foreign intel agencies as well as internally to overall IT Unit, prioritizing bug fixes and owning problems that had negatively affected the international unit in the past, as trust hard to regain once lost. Ended up identifying and solving audit trail bypasses, catch all data integrity checks, as well as validating various tiered partners got the appropriate datasets. Had to do a lot of black-box trouble shooting for foreign clients so ones that weren't ingesting our data would, also made improved developer experience tweaks such as I identified limiting batch processing to only CSV was costing forieng entities from using it and rather guessing what worked better than CSV I wrote a utility that inferred the delimiter type to process any delimited type and return results in that same format. I also prevented an entire batch process failing for few bad records, instead just failing and highlighting individual records that couldn't be processed and why. This also led to a utility to fail a record unnecessarily, if all the necessary fields were present


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

    Computer Science, B.Tech•  June 2001 - July 2001•  Percentage: 100

    Audited MIT CS prgramming course via ArsDigita job application. Built three applications on the ArsDigita Tcl Toolkit

  • AIT, Pune (Army Institute of Technology)

    Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  August 2000 - October 2000•  Percentage: 100

    Graduated AIT with honors, gave benediction at graduation and was seperately recognized as potential future instructor


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