Jacob Unterbrink

United States


Data Science Master's Student at the University of Oklahoma




1jacobunterbrink has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Athlete Tutor

    Mizzou Athletics•  August 2020 - May 2021

    I tutored courses including (but not limited to): Intro. to Probability and Statistics I, Calculus I-III, Principles of Microeconomics. I also derived example problems to evaluate with students and identified strengths/weaknesses and built study plans based on assessment.

  • Student Worker

    University of Missouri College of Engineering•  August 2018 - August 2020

    Assisted with operations in the department of electrical engineering and computer science. Conducted various office jobs including (but not limited to): setting up for department meetings, printing copies of exams and various handouts. I would also distribute and track end-of-semester teaching evaluations.

  • Research Assistant

    University of Missouri Dept. of Economics•  August 2019 - August 2020

    Assisted Prof. Jeff Milyo in statistical evaluations (performed regression analysis, generated summary statistics, etc.). I would also read through academic essays to discern relevant information and recreate studies to find potential pitfalls.


  • University of Oklahoma

    Data Science & Analytics, MS•  August 2021 - Present

    I'm currently pursuing my master's degree from the University of Oklahoma. I am a member of OU Sports & Data Analytics and the Data Science Student Club.

  • University of Missouri - Columbia

    Economics, BS•  August 2017 - May 2021

    I double majored in economics (with honors) and statistics from the University of Missouri, while earning minors in math, political science, and business. I was a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon (the economics honor society) as well as the undergraduate statistics club.

  • University of Missouri - Columbia

    Statistics, BS•  August 2017 - May 2021

    I double majored in economics (with honors) and statistics from the University of Missouri, while earning minors in math, political science, and business. I was a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon (the economics honor society) as well as the undergraduate statistics club.


1jacobunterbrink has not updated skills details yet.