myosuka has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Full Stack Developer
DAW Web Application, IMPORT STAR CO., LTD.• October 2023 - Present
Developed content using Flask. Design and developed UX/UI responsive using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI. Using Alpine.js to write frontend and manipulate DOM. Using Redis for handle job queue such as implement PDF and process import labor etc.
DHARA Web Application, R202 Research lab, Prince of Songkla University• October 2022 - Present
Developed content using Flask. Design and developed UX/UI responsive using Fomantic-UI. Using brython to write frontend and manipulate DOM. Manage front-end tasks for graph rendering and marker placement on maps, with a focus on developing user-friendly interfaces. Integrated a new REST API using FAST API to implement data retrieval.
Full Stack Developer
COE CTF Web Application, R202 Research lab, Prince of Songkla University• October 2023 - Present
Developed content using Flask. Design and developed UX/UI responsive using Fomantic-UI.
Full Stack Developer
BPLUS Web Application, IMPORT STAR CO., LTD.• October 2024 - Present
Developed content using Flask. Design and developed UX/UI responsive using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI. Using Alpine.js to write frontend and manipulate DOM. Using Redis for handle job queue such as implement process import employee etc. Using Chart.js to display work data and employee toilet behavior.
Prince of Songkla University
Computer Engineering, BE• September 2020 - Present• GPA: 3.22