marcoafo has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Upwork (formerly Elance-oDesk)• January 2015 - Present
- Computer vision, mathematical models. - C++ and Visual C++, integration with Visual C# systems - High-end parallel optimized low latency development for biomedical equipments - Linux, OpenWRT, DD-WRT, Pi and Arduino programming. - Qt, Visual Studio, Python projects. - PHP, Python backend developer. - Bug tracking. - System revision and administration, including virtual servers (Amazon, Rackspace, Azure, Digital Ocean). - Project consultant.
Universidade de São Paulo
Electrical Engineering, BE• January 2002 - December 2007
Department of Electric Energy and Automation Engineering (PEA) Course completion assignment: SIGNORI, Marco Antonio Mendes Afonso; SILVA, Viviane Cristine (Mentor) – Simulation in 2 and 3 Dimensions using the Finite Elements Method of a Brushless Machine – PIBIC/CNPq financed project, Publication Submitted and Presented in the 13º SIICUSP (Scientific Initiation Symposium of USP), LMAG/PEA/Poli/USP, Year 2005.
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