Jonathan Simpson

United States


DBA Jonathan Simpson


Problem Solving


jon162 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Founder

    DBA Jonathan Simpson•  June 2012 - Present

    side hustle, around 5 iPad apps, flash kiosk and red5 video recording integration, and sony dash energy monitor integration

  • Software Engineer

    Squaremill•  July 2018 - May 2019

    QA Ruby on Rails, massive health care data web interface

  • Software Engineer

    Imageworks•  July 2011 - May 2012

    iOS (kiosks, augmented reality), Flash (kiosk, client support), Wordpress, and UI/UX design

  • Software Engineer

    Infusion Studios•  May 2006 - September 2011

    Initial internship prior to schooling, Flash ActionScript 2.0/3.0, then project-to-project work over this span, developed networked training and testing applications, portfolio websites, and stand-alone medical software (Flash and Flex)

  • Student Developer

    University of Maine•  September 2007 - May 2011

    University of Maine Public Relations then ASAP Media Services (both on-campus), developed custom Flash video component for homepage, event calendar updates, a Grad school application site, and performed multi-touch research (AS, PHP, JS)


  • University of Maine, Orono

    Computer Science, BS•  September 2007 - May 2011

    ** UMO New Media Major (B.A. in New Media) Minor in Computer Science, 3.82 GPA


jon162 has not updated skills details yet.