inzva Algorithm Competition League 2 Upsolving

Jul 4 2020, 12:45 pm UTC


Algorithm Competition League (ACL), is a series of competitions consisting of a total of 10 contests. Each contest consists of 4-6 problems. Problems will test the mathematical thinking skills or knowledge of some known algorithms (graph algorithms, dynamic programming, etc.). After each contest, participants will be sorted according to the number of problems that s/he has solved. And rankings in each contest will have an impact on the final ranking. You can check the detailed explanation here.


  • 1st place: 500TL gift card from a desired platform (Steam/Udemy/D&R, etc.)
  • 2nd place: 300TL gift card from a desired platform (Steam/Udemy/D&R, etc.)
  • 3rd place: 200TL gift card from a desired platform (Steam/Udemy/D&R, etc.)
  • Between 4rd and 10th place : 50TL gift card from a desired platform (Steam/Udemy/D&R, etc.)
  • Upsolving Winner(s) (the participant who solved the highest number of problems after the contests): 200TL gift card from a desired platform (Steam/Udemy/D&R, etc.)
  • Lastly, your results and passion in algorithms will not be ignored! If you show a genuine interest, you will be invited to inzva Algorithm Study Group, where people solve advanced contests weekly and have a discussion afterwards led by Kayacan Vesek.


  • The creator of this contest is solely responsible for setting and communicating the eligibility requirements associated with prizes awarded to participants, as well as for procurement and distribution of all prizes. The contest creator holds HackerRank harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, awards, settlements, orders, or fines.
  • Code directly from our platform, which supports over 30 languages. Learn more here.
  • ACL #2 is open for everyone.
  • Participants are allowed to join the ACL with only one ID. We are expecting all participants to solve the problems individually. It is forbidden to share any solutions and codes related to the problems at any platforms.
  • There will be a minimum requirement of %60 of attendance to earn the online certificate and the prize.
  • You may use any coding interface during the contests. However, please make sure that your code is not visible to any other competitors.
  • You may ask for some clarification during the contest on Hackerrank. Please keep in mind that any question related to the solution of the problem will be ignored.


  • Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
  • A participant’s score depends on the number of test cases a participant’s code submission successfully passes.

Sign up for inzva Algorithm Competition League 2 Upsolving now.

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