CQM - 8.1

AC Blizzard!

Starts in


I hope you all had fun solving, we tried our best, but like any other thing in the world, we can improve as well. Fill this 30 sec, feedback form if you want https://forms.gle/7nvyRQVHjr9DCtaL8 :)

Hello Coders !

ACM 8.0 is thrilled to invite you to CQM 8.1, which is to take place on Sunday, 7 November, 2020 at 6:00 PM

It is our first contest and we hope you'll enjoy it ^_^

Problemset and Contest was prepared by Siddharth, Ritul, Neha

The duration of the contest is of 3 hours .

Also, We would like to thank

  • Seniors from CSE'17 for invaluable advice
  • and all of you, for participating! ^_^

Important Update

  • Future contests would be conducted on Codeforces so register on Codeforces if you have not already.


  • The creator of this contest is solely responsible for setting and communicating the eligibility requirements associated with prizes awarded to participants, as well as for procurement and distribution of all prizes. The contest creator holds HackerRank harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, awards, settlements, orders, or fines.
  • Code directly from our platform, which supports over 30 languages. Learn more here.

Contest Rules

  1. You shall not communicate with other participants, use another person's code for solutions/generators, share ideas of solutions

  2. You shall not use multiple accounts and will take part in the contest using your personal and the single account.

  3. Any kind of crude or derogatory username shall be removed from ranklist


  • Each challenge has a pre-determined score.
  • A participant’s score will increase only if they pass all test cases correctly
  • If a participant submits more than one solution per challenge, then the participant’s score will reflect the highest score achieved. In a game challenge, the participant's score will reflect the last code submission.
  • Participants are ranked by score. If two or more participants achieve the same score, then the tie is broken by the total time taken to submit the last solution resulting in a higher score

Sign up for CQM - 8.1 now.

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