ojha_vivek 9 years ago can it be possible that multiple cycles exits. If yes then how can the output be printed
Shafaet 9 years ago I can tell you just one thing, learn about expected values. There is link in the problem statement.
Empest 9 years ago number of cities is 100 000. number of max possible cycles - 33 000. for example: to calculate probability that 10 000 cycles exist i need to make 33000!/10000!/23000! which suppose to be a very big value
dbhrockzz 9 years ago that is not factorial.... that says i is not equal to w[i] (1!=w[i])
jackreacher 9 years ago how can there be .72 cycles?? pls add some more sample inputs
vkristijan 9 years ago it is said that every road has it's probability of existance. If you look at the cycle it has 3 roads in it, with probabilities od 80%, 90% and 100%. The probability that all 3 roads exist is 72%.
Menmaro 9 years ago It's very poorly worded in my opinion, I don't understand how you can have a .72 of a cycle, you either have a cycle or you don't. I think the author meant probability although I'm still waiting for a response
Shafaet 9 years ago This is called expected value: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expected_value. I added the link in the statement now.
Menmaro 9 years ago Oh right, my bad I said it was poory worded but it seems I have little knowledge, I sincerely apologise
[deleted] 9 years ago So there can be multiple cycles in the given graph right?
Shafaet 9 years ago Yes.
abhishek20 9 years ago why are'nt we allowed to submit now? i.e after the competition is over. I know it wo'nt afect leader board and hope it is just a technical problem.
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