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  • Ronnie007 9 years ago + 0 comments

    My last two submissions for this problem still haven't been processed. Is there a problem with the grader?

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    • phegde 9 years ago + 0 comments

      @admin am getting the message "compile time error", but it is not displaying the error message. And my code is compiling properly in my machine. can you please check

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      • Tmlewallen 9 years ago + 1 comment

        I'm sorry, but I'm missing how this is solved without knowing P and Q? In the example, where does P=5 Q=8 come from?

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        • hossameldeenfci 9 years ago + 0 comments

          Among all possible positions of X, it seems like choosing P=5 Q=8 is the best solution in this case. So, P=5 Q=8 is not a given, it's a particular solution to this test case that the author calculated somehow, I think.

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        • droidkid 9 years ago + 0 comments

          Hey, not able to submit for this question, I'm getting a compile time error and previous submissions are not being judged.

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          • Vaibhav2k13 9 years ago + 2 comments

            Since u said we have to print the 'minimum' amount he has to spend, in the first test case if X = 6 then he spends only $3. So isnt that supposed to be the 'minimum' instead of 5 which is given?

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            • nikasvanidze Challenge Author 9 years ago + 0 comments

              minimum money he will need (in worst situation).

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              • elQusiry 9 years ago + 0 comments

                if the box that needs the most money to find was 7 for example and it costed him 10 because there is a chance that the box with the candy is the one that costs the most to find.

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