Find Number
Nick qualified to Hackerrank Semifinal so Elene decided to gift him a box of sweet. But she won't just give it away without a twist!
Elene gave Nick boxes numbered from to . He knows that only one box is full of sweets and others are empty. Nick can ask Elene some questions in order to find out which box is full of sweets.
In each question, Nick will chose two integers and ().
Let be index of the box with sweets.
if Elene will tell him "BU" and he will have to pay her ByteDollars.
if Elene will tell him "BUT" and he will have to pay her ByteDollars.
if Elene will tell him "BUTA" and he will have to pay her ByteDollars.
You have to calculate the minimum number of ByteDollars that Nick will need to spend in order to find the box full of sweets.
Input Format
First line contains , number of tests.
Next line contains four integers: , , and .
Output Format
For each test print minimum amount of money, Nick will need.
Sample Input
10 1 2 3
15 5 5 5
15 2 2 3
Sample Output
In test1 Nick will need 5 Bytedolars.
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada;
procedure Solution is
-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
end Solution