Delivery System
facug91 9 years ago We can pass through a node belonging to K many times, to make the order better? For example: 2 -> 4, 4 -> 3, 3 -> 4, and you have to visit all of them. The answer could be 2 3 4, but to be able to go to 3 from 2, I passed through 4.
nikasvanidze 9 years ago Yes
SzaboMate 9 years ago I don't think that was the problemsetter's intention, but yes, testcase1 makes it clear, that's what he accidentally did.
nikasvanidze 9 years ago I'm problemsetter.
thexharbinger 9 years ago Submission status "processing" since last one hour. Look into it.
sanchit_h 9 years ago It seems that the judge is stalled. I submitted a solution 4 minutes ago and it still hasn't started to run.
shakil_austcse27 9 years ago Same to me also
dmadisetti 9 years ago For the test 1 of case 2 (N,M,K = 4,5,3) shouldn't the result be 1,3,2 instead of 1,2,3? The edges are directed right?
dmadisetti 9 years ago Ahh. Cycles.
shivang_doshi 9 years ago How does cycles matter? since it's directed, best route would be from 1>3>2. Also, 2>3 does not exists! Am I missing something?
shivang_doshi 9 years ago Ahh. Cycles.
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