
ナンくんはTSG LIVE!のボスであるハカタシくんに数列をプレゼントしたいと思っていますが、ハカタシくんは大きい数が嫌いです。




Input Format


  • 入力は全て整数である。
  • 入力の条件で答えが存在することが保証される。 (15:14追記)

Output Format


Sample Input 0

5 10
2 3 4 8 1

Sample Output 0

3 5

Explanation 0



Sample Input 1

30 30000
499 375 948 786 259 35 46 504 883 211 48 419 736 197 792 420 396 616 792 924 385 792 990 396 440 164 554 30 794 370

Sample Output 1

15 25
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  1. Challenge Walkthrough
    Let's walk through this sample challenge and explore the features of the code editor.1 of 6
  2. Review the problem statement
    Each challenge has a problem statement that includes sample inputs and outputs. Some challenges include additional information to help you out.2 of 6
  3. Choose a language
    Select the language you wish to use to solve this challenge.3 of 6
  4. Enter your code
    Code your solution in our custom editor or code in your own environment and upload your solution as a file.4 of 6
  5. Test your code
    You can compile your code and test it for errors and accuracy before submitting.5 of 6
  6. Submit to see results
    When you're ready, submit your solution! Remember, you can go back and refine your code anytime.6 of 6
  1. Check your score