Given a paragraph of space-separated lowercase English words and a list of unique lowercase English keywords, find the minimum length of the substring of which contains all the keywords that are separated by space in any order.
Note: The keywords should be space separated words but can occur in any order in the substring.

Input Format

The first line of the input consists of a single string denoting the paragraph.
The second line contains an integer , which is the number of keywords that will be given.
The -th of the next lines contains a lowercase English word .


  • All the keywords are unique.

Output Format

Print in a single line, the minimum length of a substring of paragraph which contains all the keywords separated by space in any order. If all the keywords aren't present in the paragraph, then print .

Sample Input 0

why how whywhat why what how what when what

Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

The highlighted text shows the minimum substring with all three keywords: why how whywhat why what how what when what.

Therefore the length of the minimum susbstring is 12.

Note that the substring whywhat neither contains the keyword why nor what as the keywords should be present as a whole string and not as part of a substring.

Sample Input 1

why how what how when how when what

Sample Output 1


Explanation 1

The highlighted text shows the minimum substring with the two keywords: why how what how when how when what.

Therefore the length of the minimum susbstring is 9.

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