Game of Thrones - I
abhiranjan 11 years ago Hi @mahacoder, below is the frequency is each character in the string.
('a',3818) ('b',3948) ('c',3778) ('d',3866) ('e',3738) ('f',3766) ('g',3814) ('h',3832) ('i',3792) ('j',3786) ('k',3904) ('l',3760) ('m',3770) ('n',3818) ('o',3858) ('p',3786) ('q',3876) ('r',3948) ('s',3794) ('t',3858) ('u',3970) ('v',3940) ('w',3810) ('x',3852) ('y',3870) ('z',3962)
abhiranjan 11 years ago btw, your initial statement is also contradicting. How a string of even length contains only one character with odd number of occurrence.
The string has even number of characters in test case 20 and the frequency of char 'o' turns out to be odd. So we shouldn't be able to make a palindrome out of it right? Please tell me if any of my statements is wrong.
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