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On strsplit, actually scan does the same out of box:
nums <- suppressWarnings(readLines(file("stdin")))
fn <- scan(text=nums[1])
f <- fn[1]
n <- fn[2]
On the coefficients, there's no need to extract anything: as soon as you've got the fitted model, you can use predict to apply it to a data frame of queries.
On printing, StackOverflow users suggest something along the lines of,
, actuallyscan
does the same out of box:On the coefficients, there's no need to extract anything: as soon as you've got the fitted model, you can use
to apply it to a data frame of queries.On printing, StackOverflow users suggest something along the lines of,
Frankly, I don't really understand how
interact here, but it seems to work just fine.Add Reply Preview cancel