Day 5: Introduction to Linear Regression
Umasou 9 years ago Cant we use numpy?
asifm37 9 years ago It would be better if you round off the answer to single decimal point.
anupam293 6 years ago Can't we use sklearn library linear regression model? I am keep on receving runtime error.
PRASHANTB1984 9 years ago We noted that a very small number of people tried slightly different approaches. Some people have precomputed a few numbers (rounded them off at an intermediate stage) which causes a mild deviation from the actual answer. To account for those who might have rounded off at some intermediate stage, we'll regrade with a (small) tolerance. There is no need to correct your submission and resubmit.
kits228 9 years ago I am using sklearn library for this problem but it is throwing me runtime error ? I am not getting any error if I run the same script in my local machine. Could you please suggest me how to resolve this error ?
neild799 9 years ago A note to everyone getting it wrong:
The coefficients of the regression line must have at least 4 decimal places, or else plugging in 80 will result in a wrong answer
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