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I think my code does that but still #4 can't pass:
1) I corrected my code to return mode as an integer
2) Here is how i find the mode: (i) Generate a list of tuples as (integer, frequency), (ii) sort tuples by frequency then by integers in ascending way, (iii) return "integer" of the first tuple.
I am thinking maybe there is something concerning in your (ii), where do you make sure that the after sorting by integers, you still maintain the order of frequency?
I think my code does that but still #4 can't pass: 1) I corrected my code to return mode as an integer 2) Here is how i find the mode: (i) Generate a list of tuples as (integer, frequency), (ii) sort tuples by frequency then by integers in ascending way, (iii) return "integer" of the first tuple.
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