Day 1: Basic Statistics - A Warmup

  • AbhishekVermaIIT 9 years ago + 1 comment

    Downloading test-cases isn't allowed for the "live" contests. Otherwise we can download !

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    • bob04 9 years ago + 1 comment

      I thought the system in the domains is that if you choose to download the input for a particular test case then you do not get the full score for that test case. Why not same system for 'live' contests?

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      • AbhishekVermaIIT 9 years ago + 0 comments

        I believe "domains" are just to practice and improve coding skills. Hence, coders will perhaps download test-cases to further improve/correct their codes only (and not to cheat by hardcoding values). Thus, allowing to download testcases for 5 "hackos" seems a fair deal.

        But "not revealing" test cases for "live" contests is pretty justifiable because contests are just a platform to compete with fellow coders. The ability to find fault in the code by enumerating different possibilities, is an extremely crucial skill for a programmer. This skill will be completely overlooked if the test-cases are visible, and ranking won't actually reflect the true potential of the programmer this way. Moreover, we also can't deny the possibility of people hard-coding testcases into solution. Hard-coding has been a serious issue ! This problem is one example where test-cases were guessable, and a lot of guys hard-coded the results into the code, inspite of the warning !!!

        I am not aware what were the actual reasons for choosing such rules but this is what I feel ! :)

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    1. Challenge Walkthrough
      Let's walk through this sample challenge and explore the features of the code editor.1 of 6
    2. Review the problem statement
      Each challenge has a problem statement that includes sample inputs and outputs. Some challenges include additional information to help you out.2 of 6
    3. Choose a language
      Select the language you wish to use to solve this challenge.3 of 6
    4. Enter your code
      Code your solution in our custom editor or code in your own environment and upload your solution as a file.4 of 6
    5. Test your code
      You can compile your code and test it for errors and accuracy before submitting.5 of 6
    6. Submit to see results
      When you're ready, submit your solution! Remember, you can go back and refine your code anytime.6 of 6
    1. Check your score