Day 1: Basic Statistics - A Warmup

  • bob04 9 years ago + 1 comment

    Thinking about it, since you may be coding in a language I do not know very well, seeing your code may not help. I solve most of the problems here by using JavaScript by the way. The problem here is we do not know which of the four values you got wrong in case#3. When you see the results, if you click on the test case that you got wrong, you should be able to get access to the data - that should help you see what your error is. I would think it is more likely to be a problem relating to the mode or median. For instance, if there is more than one mode, have you made sure your code always picks out the smallest value?

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    • logodska 9 years ago + 0 comments

      Thank you Bob for your hint!

      I apparently reviewed the wrong case all this time :-) I reviewed 'mode'-algorithm now and found my mistake.

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