Day 2: Basic Probability Puzzles #2
PRASHANTB1984 9 years ago "sum up to N" in general, does mean - sum up to exactly N. like here. However since this has caused a bit of confusion we have re-worded it.
IwillRuleOneday 9 years ago POSSIBLE SETS=== (1,5)+(5,1)+(2,4)+(4,2) PROBABILITY OF SELECTING ANY=1/6*1/6 THEREFORE ANS=== 1/9
aditya_athalye 9 years ago Exactly statement wording is bit confusing.
pawandwivedi 9 years ago Statement is not clear. Sum up to six here means sum = 6, not atmost 6. It should be written as sum-up to 6 or sum is equal to 6.
BMichaels 9 years ago Sum up to six means sum <= 6.
pawandwivedi 9 years ago Exactly, but answer is accepted only if we take sum = 6 not <= 6.
BMichaels 9 years ago I solved it with that in mind though, and I got the correct answer. Keep in mind that the throws have to be different and getting 1 on first, 2 on second is the same as getting 2 on first and 1 on second dice.
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