The Lovers
Hovestar 10 years ago The final test case is 10 ^ however many and 555 this causes my data to overflow, even when using long long. Can this be averted?
Khongor 10 years ago Since the problem asks you to output the answer modulo some number, it is possible to do the calculation without using BigInteger.
untra 10 years ago Why does the test case 10 5 correspond to output 6? By my understanding, then there are 10 houses and 5 lovers to visit.
X0X0X0X0X0 0X0X0X0X0X
Shouldn't there only be two possibilities, given the order that he visits the houses doesn't matter?
PRASHANTB1984 10 years ago Hint: X00X0X0X0X
(assuming X represent a visited house)
smaddula 10 years ago There are other cases like X00X0X0X0X
Murgatroyd 10 years ago X0X0X0X00X X0X0X00X0X X0X00X0X0X X00X0X0X0X
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