
Once upon a time there was a man who had multiple girlfriends. Each girl thought she was the only one in the man's heart but this was not true. He was cheating on all of them.

N houses were situated in a row and each house had exactly one of his girlfriends living there.

One day he wanted to visit K of his girlfriends but he then realized that he couldn't visit two consecutive houses. That would be too dangerous.

How many different ways did the man have for visiting his girlfriends?

The ordering of houses does not matter. i.e, how many different combinations of houses could the man consider.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer T - the number of test cases. Next follow T lines, each containing two space separated integers, N and K.


1 <= T <= 10  
1 <= N <= 10^15   
1 <= K <= 10^15    

Output format

The output must contain T lines, each containing one integer - the number of ways the man can visit his girlfriends. Output the answer modulo 100003.

Sample input

7 3
8 5
10 5
100000 555

Sample output



For example, in the first test case, there are 7 houses, and the lover will visit 3 of them without visiting two in consecutive positions. The 10 ways are these:

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