Fibonacci Modified
sachiswg 9 years ago when input is 0 1 10 my answer is wrong, can anyone explaing this to me. i get 84266613096281242861568 last 7 digits are wrong with expected value. plz give me a tip I use double return type function
EvilCartman 10 years ago And again Perl was thrown out. Sure we all can code in any language, but at least you could limit available languages for such performance-sensitive contests.
shashank21j 10 years ago And then users say we still want to submit because theoretically it's still possible when you write your own bigInt class
EvilCartman 10 years ago Sure I wrote my own «bigInt class». Still not enough running time for Perl. You know, performance problems I have faced here is not about language itself, but about runtime environment - Python and even PHP sources are pre-compilied before execution, Perl is not. It would bee nice to see the same runtime conditions for all scripting languages.
mohamed_fawzy 10 years ago i'm solvinging challenege however, not appear behind solve challenge button that's i'm solved it also my score didn't increase ?
Brace 10 years ago I can't seem to get it working. Test 6 keeps timing out. The largest valid values work fine in Strawberry Perl in 8 seconds, so I'm wondering if there might be a typo in the test file for perl.
PRASHANTB1984 10 years ago All languages have the same test file. Not sure about Perl raw data types, but you'll need something which can hold very long/large numbers.
Brace 10 years ago bigint holds them, but it times out after 16 seconds on test 6.
bdlim 10 years ago How did you guys deal with the extremely large values? It's bigger than an unsigned long long (I'm using C++).
Brace 10 years ago I tried bigint in perl and kept getting time outs on #6
PRASHANTB1984 10 years ago think of a big integer data structure in C++. Though, you might save yourself a lot of code writing this in some other language.
sidproquo 10 years ago whoa! Just read this ryt now... I thot the challenge was about using digit vectors to solve this! I have been at it since hours now:| . The closest I could get in C++ was with usage of double and setprecision(0). The results were approximated and not exact, so my test cases still failed :/
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