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James found a love letter his friend Harry wrote to his girlfriend. Being a prankster, he decides to make some fun adjustments to it by changing each of its words into palindromes.

To do this, he follows two rules:

  1. He can reduce the value of a letter (e.g.: he can reduce d to c, but can't increment c to d).
  2. A letter can be reduced more than once, but once it is reduced to a it becomes locked at a and its value can no longer be changed.

Each reduction in a letter's value is counted as operation. For each test case, find the minimum number of operations required to convert the given string to a palindrome.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer, (the number of test cases).
Each of the subsequent lines contains a single string of lowercase characters.


length of string
All characters are lowercase English letters.

Output Format

For each test case, print a new line with the minimum number (as an integer) of operations required to convert the given string to a palindrome.

Sample Input


Sample Output



Test Case 0: abc abb aba. We print the number of operations, , on a new line.

Test Case 1: abcba is already a palindrome. We print the number of operations, , on a new line.

Test Case 2: abcd abcc abcb = abca. Then abca abba. We print the number of operations, , on a new line.

Test Case 3: cba bba aba. We print the number of operations, , on a new line.

Line: 1 Col: 1
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