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  • LyanAraujo 11 months ago + 0 comments

    let newVariable = 'My First Variable';

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    • rathorenitirajs1 3 years ago + 0 comments

      There no need to write console.log

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      • durgeshsoni10821 3 years ago + 0 comments

        var newVariable = 'My First Variable';

        no need to write console.log

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        • vtu7076CSE 5 years ago + 0 comments

          var newVariable = "My First Variable";

          * just we need to assign & declear * don't go for console.log(newVariable)

          it is correct only but here is this problem they asking only to assign and declear.

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          • rinuravi 7 years ago + 0 comments

            var newVariable ="My First Variable"; console.log(newVariable);

            Whats wron in this? Getting testcase fail

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