Day 4: Template Strings
trendsetter37 9 years ago I believe this is referred to as a backtick. For what it's worth.
davidmeza 9 years ago Oh wow. Glad I came here. Only 5 minutes wasted hah.
SebetheWombat 9 years ago Thank you! I had no idea what I was doing wrong.
rod_gudge 9 years ago Thanks
MassiveSwag 9 years ago Thank you.
shtolcers 9 years ago and newline symbol = \n
givonz 9 years ago you also have to format it exactly as you see it.
ivdekov 9 years ago I wonder why they didn't specify which character to use to make a template string. Thank you for this.
Err0r404 9 years ago Thanks
Nexaddo 9 years ago THANK YOU!!!!! for some reason i read it as '
avaneeshsingh 9 years ago Thanks. I was clueless what was going wrong.
red_bandit_11 9 years ago Already tried this and didn't work either.
red_bandit_11 9 years ago I saw the error of my ways. I was adding a console.log to print the variable (my_template_string) and that was the error as the answer was just to make the variable string. Had it right the first time :)
snagar78 9 years ago thanks!!!!
PrajDeo 9 years ago Thanks a lot Krizzu.
sheedabeeda 9 years ago Wow! Thank you :)
You can find that key under the 'Esc' button, to the left of 1, above the 'tab' button on your keyboard.
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