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If/else statements are conditional statements that are used to perform different actions based upon different conditions.

If/else statements

Here's a useful video on the topic:

The if statement executes a block of code if the specified condition is true:


     if (condition) {
            //block of code

The else statement executes a block of code if all of the conditions are false:


     if (condition) {
            //block of code if condition is true
    } else {
            //block of code if none of the condition(s) is true.

The else if statement executes a block of code if its condition is true, and the previous conditions are false:


     if (condition) {
            //block of code if condition is true
    } else if (condition_2) {
            //block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is true.
    } else if (condition_3) {
            //block of code if condition is false and condition_2 is false and condition_3 is true.
    } else {
            //block of code if none of the condition(s) is true.


if (time < 12) {
    console.log("Good morning");
} else if (time < 14) {
    console.log("Good Afternoon");
} else {
    console.log("Good evening");


You are given a variable marks. Your task is to print:

- AA if marks is greater than .
- AB if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- BB if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- BC if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- CC if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- CD if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- DD if marks is greater than and less than or equal to .
- FF if marks is less than or equal to .


Do not declare the variable marks. It is declared inside our code checker.
Use console.log for printing statements to the console.

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