Day 6: The Connected Cell in a Grid
dotkim 9 years ago No kidding. They don't even explain what DP is.
Ayelis 9 years ago That's pretty much how I've found the learning curve on the entire HackerRank site overall. Warmup lessons? A breeze. Everything else listed as Easy? Calculate the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow, with nothing but these geotagged coordinates of its migration pattern and the Google Maps API to determine if it is an African or European swallow.
sasankadx 9 years ago Seriously they are not taking it seriously. No one can get some important subject like js,jq in 7 days only.
ahaider045 9 years ago So true.. its terrible
giacgbj 9 years ago That's because you're not thinking fourth-dimensionally! ;-)
(I agree with you: it's the worst "learning challenge" ever!)
jonnycache 9 years ago Exactly what i thought and it seems quite 'perculiar' how the steeper questions fell on the weekend.
The learning curve and pace of this contest is terrible. Day 5: const PI=Math.PI; Day 6: 2 dimensional matrix search algorithm with input handling with different whitespaces.
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