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  • davidmeza 9 years ago + 1 comment

    How is this day 4? Didn't we do this in day 1? At least use Symbols if we are learning ES6 features.

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    • PRASHANTB1984 9 years ago + 0 comments

      Well, since many people are learning programming for the very first time, slight variations or repetitions of features previously covered, might occur - typically with some new concept mixed in

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    • jonatan_k 9 years ago + 0 comments

      The primitive type names provided in the description can be confusing - in fact the primitive types are written in lowercase (opposite to object equivalents which start with the capital letter).

      You can try the following to see the real type names:

      typeof "16"

      typeof 16

      typeof true

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      • Shoban05 9 years ago + 1 comment

        Doubt Regarding string..!!

        var my_str = "Hello World!"; Test case Passed

        var my_str = new String("Hello World!"); Test Case not passing

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        • verapi03 9 years ago + 0 comments

          It's because when using "new String" you are not creating a string but an object of type string. They are different. The best advice is try to NOT using the keyword "new" to create a primitive data type (as a string).

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        • gswheeler 9 years ago + 1 comment

          Well they did say "assign" them a particular datatype.

          var my_num = "4.2.3".split('.').length;
          var my_bool = ((4 + 17) < (25 - 6));
          var my_str = (4 + 8 * 3).toString();

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          • PRASHANTB1984 9 years ago + 0 comments

            Well, yes, that is valid :) And it means that you understood the concepts that we are looking for in any case.

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          • [deleted] 9 years ago + 1 comment

            I started a GIT branch for those who need a little help let me know if you need explanations added as well

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            • PRASHANTB1984 9 years ago + 0 comments

              Thank you for creating this material. It is quite useful!

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