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  • ronithalder 10 years ago + 2 comments

    How can ("", "cd") be a winning position

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    • hellboy_86 10 years ago + 0 comments

      i think ("", "b") is come in place of ("", "cd")

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      • Mayukhc_AI 10 years ago + 3 comments

        From ""."cd", if Alice appends b to "b":"cd", then there are no moves, so she wins.

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        • estrada_oscar 10 years ago + 0 comments

          I guess I'm not understanding the problem correctly then... why are there no moves after "b,cd"? Can't Bob follow with "ab","cd" ?

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          • estrada_oscar 10 years ago + 0 comments

            Oh I think I already understood. So when they refer to appending characters, it means that if A' already has something, you can only append characters at the end, right? So that's why if Alice appends appends "b" to A' so the position becomes "b","cd", then no additional letters can be appended and Bob can't do any move, right?

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            • Mayukhc_AI 10 years ago + 0 comments

              Yes,@estrada_oscar you're right.

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          • pzegar 10 years ago + 1 comment

            Pity that I didn't notice this challenge before...can you open it for submissions again for a while? I got an idea...:-)

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            • DrDizzave 10 years ago + 1 comment

              We can open it again next week, today we're posting a new Luminary Challenge. =D

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              • pzegar 10 years ago + 0 comments

                So be it! I will try it next week for sure, please open it then :)

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            • ashishkarn068 10 years ago + 0 comments

              how is ("a", "") a winning position for first player ?

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              • zumayya 10 years ago + 0 comments

                Can A'=ba and B'=ecd be an example? Or A' and B' will always be lexicographically balanced?

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