MAC Learning
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manju_pnaik 10 years ago How do i pick open source project what to work on?
manrajsingh 10 years ago Go through the project or technology that is Open Source and interested you if and when you used it, see if your skills match their requirements and shoot a mail on their mailing list or ask on their IRC.
krinkin 10 years ago Could we expect a bit more challenging problems here?:) I suppose that VMWare engineers face problems that require knowledge of algorithms, so it would be interesting to see examples here.
ssshubhasaha 10 years ago How far competitive progmming helps in real life programming?
lp_lewis 10 years ago when will the stickers be awarded to candidates?
bpfaff 10 years ago The stickers are just something that I'm mailing out to people who ask me. If you'd like one, please email me a postal address at I'm starting to run low on them (I've mailed out 50 or more already) so please ask soon or I may run out.
rizwanansary 10 years ago It was great to have all of you here from 15+ countries all over the world. Thank you once again and check back often for more updates by different companies.
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