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  • manju_pnaik 10 years ago + 1 comment

    How do i pick open source project what to work on?

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    • manrajsingh 10 years ago + 0 comments

      Go through the project or technology that is Open Source and interested you if and when you used it, see if your skills match their requirements and shoot a mail on their mailing list or ask on their IRC.

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    • krinkin 10 years ago + 0 comments

      Could we expect a bit more challenging problems here?:) I suppose that VMWare engineers face problems that require knowledge of algorithms, so it would be interesting to see examples here.

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      • ssshubhasaha 10 years ago + 0 comments

        How far competitive progmming helps in real life programming?

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        • lp_lewis 10 years ago + 1 comment

          when will the stickers be awarded to candidates?

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          • bpfaff 10 years ago + 0 comments

            The stickers are just something that I'm mailing out to people who ask me. If you'd like one, please email me a postal address at bpfaff@vmware.com. I'm starting to run low on them (I've mailed out 50 or more already) so please ask soon or I may run out.

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          • rizwanansary 10 years ago + 0 comments

            It was great to have all of you here from 15+ countries all over the world. Thank you once again and check back often for more updates by different companies.

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            1. Challenge Walkthrough
              Let's walk through this sample challenge and explore the features of the code editor.1 of 6
            2. Review the problem statement
              Each challenge has a problem statement that includes sample inputs and outputs. Some challenges include additional information to help you out.2 of 6
            3. Choose a language
              Select the language you wish to use to solve this challenge.3 of 6
            4. Enter your code
              Code your solution in our custom editor or code in your own environment and upload your solution as a file.4 of 6
            5. Test your code
              You can compile your code and test it for errors and accuracy before submitting.5 of 6
            6. Submit to see results
              When you're ready, submit your solution! Remember, you can go back and refine your code anytime.6 of 6
            1. Check your score