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krinkin 9 years ago maybe a bit stupid question, but i've never heard about luminary engineers, is it real position at VMWare?
yipal 9 years ago That's not an official title at vmware. That's something we've been using with the Hackerrank puzzles. I bet if someone could ask for that title though, maybe you'd get it :)
dyerfire9 9 years ago can anyone help me
pankaj_vir 9 years ago What is Luminary Program ?
yipal 9 years ago It is a program where Vmware people work with Hackerrank to publish challenges.
DrDizzave 9 years ago I'll add some insider insights too. We're also utilizing the Luminary Program to build these kinds of challenges internally that we can use to interview and screen candidates. Ideally, we would like to have an internal library of challenges that any engineering team at VMware could use, regardless of location and/or seniority of the role. This way candidates can receive offers based on their problem solving skills and level of talent, not based on years of experience, the company they've worked for or the school the went to. We would essentially level the playing field and remove bias from the screening process. =)
parshant05 9 years ago Does Vmware evaluate the solutions submit by different engineers?As you said that Vmware use these challenges to interview and screen candidates or does the engineers participating in the challenges would also get chance to work with Vmware?
estelleyeh 9 years ago Nice solution!
yipal 9 years ago Thanks! It's not the most efficient, but it is straight forward.
Blanker 9 years ago No hackos for this??? The previous one 'High Utilization Cluster' had some... :(
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